IX National Meeting of Indigenous Students

The National Meeting of Indigenous Students (ENEI) held its 9th edition with the theme “Ancestrality and Contemporaneity”, in the week of July 26 to 29, 2022, being hosted at the State University of Campinas – SP; the event covered approximately 2 thousand indigenous students from all 5 regions of the country. At the event opening, there were manifestations related to the violent context that indigenous peoples are being subjected to lately, in addition to cultural manifestations through sacred songs and rituals, in addition, the general scenario aimed to promote cultural exchange, and develop debates during the week on education, politics, law, economics, health, indigenous women and scientific research, for this purpose, the round tables, plenary sessions, acts and forums were attended by leaders, writers, lawyers and other exponents of the indigenous cause and struggle, as well as Sônia Guajajara, Ailton Krenak, Daniel Munduruku, Djuena Tikuna, Samara Pataxó, Célia Xakriabá, among others. There was also the presence of representatives from the government, indigenists and DJ Alok – an influential supporter of the indigenous cause – for entertainment, in addition to the cultural presentations, there were shows by indigenous DJ Eric Marky Terena, the indigenous rap group “Brô MC’s”, Kunumi Mc and other artists were present. The weekly agenda also addressed Fashion, focusing on stylists and indigenous brands, ending with a parade to present the pieces; it was also possible to acquire pieces and handicrafts from a range of indigenous peoples, highlighting the diversity between them.

For the 10th Edition of the event, it is confirmed that it will be held in the Northeast region of Brazil, and intends to continue mobilizing large numbers of indigenous students, thus, following the trend of a greater national mobilization of Higher Education by indigenous students.

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