1st Xipai Women’s Meeting: Together Strengthening Traditional Medicine

The Juma Institute held the 1st Meeting of Indigenous Xipai Women and Riverine from August 9 to 11, 2024, in the Xipaya Territory, at the Kaarimã village. The main objective of the event was to strengthen the ancestral knowledge of women, promote cultural practices, and encourage the exchange of knowledge between different communities. The event began with great joy, allowing participants to showcase their cultural presentations, including dances and songs symbolizing gratitude, happiness, and the achievement of this important gathering.

The event was divided into stages, with the first day featuring discussion circles where women could express themselves through knowledge exchange. The women, with enthusiasm and wisdom, emphasized the importance of the presence of youth, who are essential for transmitting the knowledge of the elders.

The event included excellent health professionals discussing the importance of emotional and mental balance for maintaining cultural traditions and addressing everyday challenges. There was a recognized need to create safe spaces for women to express their feelings and tackle issues such as anxiety, depression, and other emotional difficulties, which are often invisible but profoundly impactful. In this sense, strengthening community ties and mutual support were identified as essential pillars for a healthy life in the community, whether indigenous or riverine.

The president of the Juma Institute, Maria Lúcia Xipaia de Carvalho, contributed her knowledge acquired over 15 years working with medicinal plants collected in the forest, assisting everyone in need. This meeting was the realization of a dream of hers and marks the beginning of a project that will be passed down to future generations.

The gathering was a true celebration of the strength of indigenous and riverine women, encouraging youth to continue learning and passing on the knowledge acquired from elders, thus keeping ancestral wisdom alive and maintaining the emotional balance necessary for harmonious community living. Participants left feeling empowered and inspired.

The goal of the Juma Institute, in addition to organizing events like this and preserving nature, is to increa singly unite women so they can strengthen one another through the knowledge shared, ensuring that their cultures and medicinal knowledge are never lost.

Organized by

 Juma Institute

Supporters and Partners

  • Sama (Health In Harmony)
  • DSEI (Indigenous Health District)
  • Synergia Socioambiental (outsourced by North Energy)
  • AIPHX (Indigenous Association Pyjahyry Xipaia)

The documentary below was created by the young communicators of the Sekamena group, who were responsible for documenting the event.

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